As the seasons change, it reminds me to reflect and remember what I have overcome and practice gratitude!
As a cancer survivor, I’m grateful to be able to reflect on my journey. I love to learn new insights and perspectives on bettering my mind + body, + soul.
Are you the same way?
One thing that I have been researching more is xenoestrogen- and you might be thinking, “Deborah, what the heck is that???”.
Xenoestrogens are compounds that mimic estrogen in the body. And for a moment, I couldn’t figure out why this wasn’t good.
And then, I did some more research and recorded a podcast with Dr. Laura James. Jump right to the episode here!
I found out that compounds mimicking estrogen can trigger different responses in your body and brain, and on top of that, it can block your actual hormones from doing their job.
Dr. James and I discussed if excess ‘estrogen’ can increase your cancer risk. And her response was incredibly insightful! It makes me think twice about the products I use inside my home, the food I eat, and the simple shifts I can make to decrease this.
If you are interested in learning how to avoid consuming xenoestrogens, here are a few tips I have been implementing in my life!
- Switch to non-toxic cleaning products. This reduces the chance of chemicals entering your body and impacting your hormones.
- When shopping for food, specifically canned foods, try to buy the products with the label “lining, NON-BPA.” This means that the lining of the can does not contain this harmful chemical.
- Shop organic- pesticides are sprayed onto our produce, which can impact our health on a cellular level. Organic produce does not contain harmful chemicals or pesticides that might have xenoestrogen.
Sometimes when I learn something like this, it feels like I can’t keep up. How can we seriously have products that contain something THIS harmful?
But then I remember that taking these tips one at a time is a step toward better health. And when I approach it from a place of curiosity, I feel lighter. As if we are all on this journey together!
I love sharing information like this! My mission is to keep us happy + healthy, so the more I learn, the more I SHARE! Connect with me on instagram to see what else I am up to! @whydidigetcancer
There is a delicate balance between getting "some sun" and getting "too much sun."
Summer Salad Bowl, for the win! ???? What would you say if I told you this amazing salad bowl could
Few weeks ago, I delved into the world of magnesium after reposting information from Dr. Mark Hyman.