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Is the Air in Your Home Making You Sick? A Surprising Conversation with an Air Quality Expert (RE-RELEASE)

Is the Air in Your Home Making You Sick? A Surprising Conversation with an Air Quality Expert (RE-RELEASE)

I admit that after thirty years in this field, I assume that most of my “health decisions” are correct.

Yet, whenever I record a podcast, I discover more things I’m doing wrong!


At this point, I have two options:

  • Get frustrated at everything “I’ve yet to do…”


  • Understand that knowledge is power, and one day at a time, incorporate new habits that can help lower disease risk.

Of course, I’m choosing choice number 2! The small changes I make will eventually create a more significant impact.

Fast forward to my conversation today with air quality expert Michael Rubino.

Michael shared some recent studies that discovered a link between many cancers and air quality. My first thought was, “Sure, I can understand poor air quality and the link to lung cancer,” but no, the study suggested that poor air quality can contribute to breast, pancreatic, and many other types of cancer.


The authors explained that pollution can impact our DNA and alter our immune response. This can increase inflammation, which contributes to cancer growth. The authors also suggested that in the case of digestive cancers, pollution can affect gut health and influence cancer development.

Okay, now what? How do we make our homes safer without breaking the bank?

Michael suggested some easy fixes, such as changing out your HVAC filter more regularly and having a good air purifier in the house.

Give today’s podcast a listen to learn how to test your home for air pollution and get more of Michael’s great tips!

Visit Michael’s website TheMichaelRubino.com.

And check out these studies on the effects of air quality on health:

The Body Deli

Here are my favorite products that are always in my bathroom:

Creme de la Rose moisturizer.

Phoenix lift face and neck oil (when I run out of this, my face gets so dry and cranky!)

Blueberry Fusion Cleanser.

Vitamin C Serum.

Body Deli: Use the code ‘ENOS15’ at checkout for 15% off!


Did you know that GUM floss is PFAS free? PFAS is a forever chemical that many top brands include in their floss, and that’s the last thing I want in my mouth!

GUM is available at major retailers, including Costco, making it easy to change your brush every three months as the dentist recommends. Happy brushing!


This podcast is for informational purposes only and none of the information should be construed as medical advice. Listeners should seek guidance from their own medical team before making any medical or lifestyle changes.

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These are the foods that are always in my cart!