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My Key Takeaways from 2024

My Key Takeaways from 2024

As hard as I try, I still get caught up in “being busy.”

What does this mean? I’m asking myself the same question!

It means I want to achieve and accomplish much each day. However, I often do this at the expense of my personal care.

For example, my morning routine is sacred to me. I get up, read my Bible, write in my gratitude journal, get outside, and let’s not forget the key component – DRINK MY COFFEE!

In January, I committed to lifting more weights to gain more muscle.

There’s a class that’s offered at 7 am. I love the class, but now my morning routine is out of whack, and subsequently, the rest of my day is a bit wonky.

I’ve gone back to prioritizing my morning routine and exercising later in the day (I don’t love exercising later, but my morning routine is pivotal for productivity).

Here’s a link to one of my favorite breathing experts, Dr. James Nestor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6yAY1oZUOA

I have two more surprising takeaways for you.


Body Deli

Checkout my favorite products from Body Deli that are always in my bathroom.

  • Creme de la Rose moisturizer.
  • Phoenix lift face and neck oil (when I run out of this, my face gets so dry and cranky!)
  • Blueberry Fusion Cleanser.
  • Vitamin C Serum.

Use the code ‘ENOS15’ at checkout for 15% off!


Butcher Box

I’m picky about fish.

For years, I would only eat fish in restaurants because I had no clue how to prepare it.

Then I discovered that when I buy fish at the supermarket, it is DOUBLE FROZEN.


Could that be why my fish texture would be a little off?

Did you know that ButcherBox only freezes their salmon ONCE?

I’m a huge fan of their wild Alaskan sockeye salmon.

Right now, you can get a year of salmon for FREE. That’s a $422 value, and you get $20 off of your first box.
Click here to purchase

Why Did I Get Cancer? BY DEBORAH ENOS

Nourish your body. Transform your health. Enjoy your life. Listen now.

Download your free anti-cancer shopping list
by filling out the details below.

These are the foods that are always in my cart!