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I Wish I Would Have Known! My Key 2024 Takeaways

I Wish I Would Have Known! My Key 2024 Takeaways

I wish I could have a “do-over” in two areas of my life:

  1. Prioritizing my morning schedule
  2. Speaking positively about situations or people instead of negatively.

When my morning routine is off, the rest of my day suffers. I’ve FINALLY learned to listen to my inner voice, which advises me to take it slow in the morning instead of jumping straight into emails and calls.

I give three tips on starting my day on today’s podcast.

Here’s a sneak peek at one of my tips:



Hearing a loud noise while sleeping immediately puts your body into a stressful situation. Your blood pressure and heart rate increase, and your body starts making stress hormones. It can take hours for your body to calm down.

Instead, I found some gentle instrumental music and used that as my alarm sound.

This simple morning hack has added much-needed calmness to my morning, and I find that relaxed “vibe” spills over into the rest of my day.



Confession time:

I’m not always upbeat and cheery. Shocking, huh?

I find that when my stress level goes up, my mindset and attitude get a little, well, poopy.

Last week, I decided to spend a week making only positive statements.

Guess what? It was a little quiet around my house because I wasn’t complaining about the world, news, my recent breast reconstruction, you name it.

I learned a valuable lesson: sometimes, when I want to connect with my husband after work, it’s easier to default to negative.

UGH, help me. I’m a work in progress, but I am learning.

Listen to today’s short solo episode to learn more of my simple tips for encouraging yourself and lowering your morning stress levels.

Seriously, these tips work!


Just Add Buoy

Companies contact me every week, asking me to try their products.

Honestly, I get food and supplement samples almost weekly!

Last week, a San Diego company called Just Add Buoy emailed me to ask if I wanted to try their electrolyte formula.

I said yes because I’ve been looking for an electrolyte formula (without tons of sugar, both fake and real and no dyes) for years.

They sent me some samples, and I must tell you how much I love them.

I’m trying the Hydration Drops, and they have 87 trace minerals, Ionic ocean electrolytes, and antioxidants. And, also important to me, NO SUGAR (FAKE OR REAL), NO ADDITIVES OR DYES. And it’s non-GMO.

I like that it’s flavorless, and I can add it to a smoothie or even my morning coffee without noticing any flavor change.


Use the link below to get 20% off of your order.



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Deborah on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whydidigetcancer/
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