Have you seen my new Costco Article?

Easy Work-Arounds to Improve Your Health! Part 2

Easy Work-Arounds to Improve Your Health! Part 2


Reading labels takes a lot of time, and even with a science degree, I have a hard time figuring out what’s good and what’s bad.

If I’m struggling, I guess you are as well.

Food companies must convince you that their product is the best item on the supermarket shelves. Their marketing message is on the front, and the truth is on the back.

For example, I picked up a package of high-protein chips at Costco. The front of the package said, “made with the highest quality ingredients.” Well, that’s great. I flipped the bag over and saw they use canola, sunflower, and safflower oils. These oils are highly inflammatory AND highly processed, NOT GREAT.

I hate to say it, but you’ll need to assume that most food companies are not going to tell you the truth.

It reminds me of that movie with Jack Nicholson and Diane Keeton, Something’s Gotta Give. In it, he tells her, “I’ve always told you some version of the truth,” and she responds, “The Truth Doesn’t Have Versions!”

Unfortunately, there are many versions of the truth in the food world.

If you’d like some quick food hacks, my podcast guest, Keith Bishop, has plenty of them!

Keith is the guest that always shocks me, and he definitely did with today’s episode. It’s a shorter episode with loads of takeaways.


About Keith Bishop

Keith Bishop is the founder of Prevail Over Cancer, dedicated to empowering individuals with knowledge and hope. After his own cancer journey, Keith became passionate about holistic wellness and integrative approaches to healing. Through his platform, he shares evidence-based insights, personal experiences, and expert guidance to inspire others to take control of their health and thrive beyond diagnosis.

Connect with Keith Bishop

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/prevailovercancer/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/prevailovercancer/
Website: https://www.prevailovercancer.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@prevailovercancer


Toups and Co

It’s happened…I’m putting beef tallow on my face, and my skin looks lush, and it doesn’t smell like a hamburger 🙂

I’ve seen the TikTok videos about beef tallow. I avoided trying it because it sounded like I’d be putting grease on my face.

Enough people asked me about it, so I started reading more information and trying out various tallows.

There was one company that stood out to me.

I feel like I hit a home run with the brand Toups and Co.

I first heard of this brand on a friend’s podcast (Holistic Hilda with the Weston A Price Foundation). She interviewed the founder, Emily Toups. She was a mom looking for a solution to her child’s skin issues. She was frustrated with the lack of progress with drugstore and prescription meds, so she reached out to a local farmer for tallow.

The rest, as they say, is history. Her daughter is healed, and my skin looks great, haha!

Thank you, Toups Family, for making such excellent products and offering my community a 15% discount.

I’m currently using:

Frankincense Skim Balm

Blue Tansy Body Oil

The Nourishing Skin Care Set (this includes skin balm, body oil, tinted lip chap, and a tallow bar—and it’s on sale!).

Deodorant – it really works!

Use the link below for 15% off of your order:



Parafy worm kit

You’re not alone if you’ve ever wondered what’s lurking in your body! Kim Rogers struggled with parasites and worms for years, and now she’s created the Parafy Kit—a powerful cleanse designed to help you take control of your health.

Here’s the link to purchase the parasite cleanse from Kim Rogers:  https://rogershood.com/ref/85/0

Use the code: DENOS10

You get 10% off your purchase!
Just click the link to grab yours.
I’m getting one too—let’s do this together!


❤Connect with Deborah❤ 

Deborah on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whydidigetcancer/
Deborah on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DebsHealthCoachKitchen
Deborah on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ydidigetcancer
Deborah on Pinterest: https://in.pinterest.com/whydidigetcancer/
Join Deb’s weekly newsletter!  -https://whydidigetcancer.us14.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=1c37affeccf004c8957941069&id=a8572db3c2

Why Did I Get Cancer? BY DEBORAH ENOS

Nourish your body. Transform your health. Enjoy your life. Listen now.

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These are the foods that are always in my cart!