Since hearing that I am cancer-free, my only goal has been to prevent it. Meaning I don’t want to be diagnosed with it again, and I don’t want you to either. And I am a simple gal- so any tip, trick, or hack that I can find is music to my ears!
One of the most significant shifts I am making in my life after my cancer journey is to include more nutrient-dense foods in my daily routine.
This week’s podcast does a great job explaining what “nutrient-dense” foods mean and their benefits for our health. After learning more about this from Dr. Simmons and from the advice I have gotten from medical professionals, I knew there was a simple switch I could make.
Instead of having my fridge and cabinet filled with junk food (and yes, I still keep some goodies around!), I can replace it with nutrient-dense foods. This means that there is more “good stuff” in each bite.
I made this switch for one reason: When I am in a rush or want a quick snack, I want the food to benefit my body.
I started making this a goal: Have easy-to-grab, nutrient-dense foods in my house. And to remind me of this, I put a sticky note on my fridge to remind me what produce, snacks or meals are inside. (Say goodbye to produce going old because you forgot about it!)
If you want to know what is on my ND shopping list, click the button below to watch a short clip on my latest shopping trip to Costco!
(And you’ll see me being guilty of having a list and still ending up with a cart full of extra things I probably didn’t need. But what can I say? Costco is like a carnival for me.)
This week I am thrilled to be releasing a NEW EPISODE! As mentioned above, I invited functional med doctor and breast cancer surgeon, Dr. Jenn Simmons, to chat all things wellness. I learned A LOT! Click here to jump right to the episode.
Dr. Simmons was one of the leaders in breast surgery and cancer care in Philadelphia for 17 years. Passionate about pursuing health rather than treating illness, she has immersed herself in the study of functional medicine and aims to provide a roadmap to those who want to know real health.
Her focus is on the ROOT CAUSE of illness. She wants to discover what’s happened throughout your life that may have contributed to illness and disease.
We talked about the importance of managing glucose, tips to hack your sleep, and the best dinner to eat when you’re too tired to make anything.

See you next week, friends! And if you’d like to connect with me, head on over to my social media platforms.
This week we are taking fear head on! With any diagnosis, fear can become paralyzing.
We have many choices in life, including how to react to life’s curveballs.
If you have ever wanted to try a new recipe but are intimidated by cooking, this is a SIMPLE and DEL