I have something pretty exciting to share with you!
Before I was diagnosed with cancer, I thought I had it all figured out.
I felt happy, healthy, and free to be myself…But after getting “the call” and walking that arduous journey, I knew I needed to dive into what in our daily life and society can cause cancer.
This is the idea and mission behind my podcast, “Why Did I Get Cancer,” where I interview different professionals in various fields on their tips, hacks, and thoughts on what can keep us not only cancer-free but in overall good health.
But I decided to take it one step further.
I created a podcast insiders club for anyone who resonates with my podcast and leaves a review! This is a private page where I give access to those who desire a “one-stop-shop” for their answers.
The insiders will get access to:
- Free resources: These are free gifts from my podcast guests, discount codes, PDFs, my “can’t live without” products, and more!
- Grocery lists + food hauls: This is where you will find simple grocery lists for various topics, like anti-cancer foods, non-toxic grocery lists, etc.
- Non-toxic living: This is a big one. Since my cancer journey, I have known the value of keeping toxins OUT of my body, and I want to share all the incredible information I have learned with you!
My idea behind this is to make my mission even more significant. This is for the people who find value in living freely, happily, and healthily. It’s for the listeners who want to start applying what they hear to their daily life!
The podcast insider’s club will be launching in July. And again, it’s simple to gain access. All you have to do is leave a review on my podcast and fill out a form.
When my mind + body + soul feel connected, I feel refueled and energized to take on the day!
Few weeks ago, I delved into the world of magnesium after reposting information from Dr. Mark Hyman.
During my cancer journey, it became apparent that to remain positive.