I’m guessing you know by now that I am big on nontoxic living. With my cancer journey and being a student for life, I continue to learn incredible tips to decrease toxins in our life.
Here’s a big one I needed to do further research on FRAGRANCE!
These fake scents are FILLED with chemicals that can cause immediate reactions: headaches, brain fog, exhaustion, etc. But they are also harmful to our overall health and are even linked to cancer!
This piqued my interest so much that I did further research and came across an article that raised an interesting question: Is fragrance the new secondhand smoke?
This inspired me to research healthier alternatives so we can continue to enjoy smelling good without the harmful side effects.
Samantha Harris, my podcast guest for this week, and I dove into an interesting conversation around hidden toxins and our everyday wellness.
And if that name made you fangirl a little, you are not alone! Samantha Harris was the co-host of Dancing with the Stars and Entertainment Tonight! I was blessed to have her say yes to being on my podcast and have her share her wisdom!
She, too, was blindsided by cancer! In 2014 Samantha’s world turned upside down. This diagnosis made her determined to fight for her life.
Today she is inspired to continue searching for ways to stay healthy and prevent chronic diseases. Today’s episode discusses hidden toxins, how to make healthier switches, and the importance of trusting your gut.
Regarding our health, we must learn to trust ourselves to be guided in the right direction. So get ready to hear her powerful story and incredible tips.
Samantha also is sharing some amazing things with my listeners (aka YOU!)
- Check out her favorite self-care item here.
- Empower your wellness and link arm with other powerful like-minded individuals through her YHH Retreat in Utah! Join her retreat here.
In today’s episode on my podcast, “Why Did I Get Cancer”, I am connecting with Anne Beiler.
Mediterranean diet supports lowering cancer risk.
If you have ever wanted to try a new recipe but are intimidated by cooking, this is a SIMPLE and DEL